Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal winners in HKOI 2022/23 are eligible to join the training sessions. They will become official team members if they attend at least 1 regular training session.
Other students may be allowed to sit-in as non-trainees, subject to capacity and other contraints.
Regular Training (February to April)
The regular training are held on Saturdays, with 2 sessions on each day. The first session are further divided into two difficulty levels (Intermediate/Advanced), which DO NOT correspond to Junior/Senior. New training team members are recommended to participate in the Intermediate sessions. The second session contain contents that are suitable for all members. Trainings are conducted in Cantonese with English materials.
Team Formation Test / Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad
Results of the Team Formation Test and APIO will be used as a reference to select members to participate in external competitions and other learning opportunities. In 2022, the team participated in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), China National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI), ACM-HK Programming Contest and ICPC Hong Kong Regional Contest.
Note: Only Permanent HKID holders may participate in APIO and inter-territory external competitions such as IOI, NOI and APIO.
Hong Kong Team Training (May to August)
The Hong Kong Team training is by invitation only and is compulsory for members selected to participate in external competitions.