How can I join the training team?

You will be invited to join the training team if you are a medalist in HKOI (Gold, Silver and Bronze), HKGOI (Gold, Silver and Bronze) and SDIC (Gold only).

I won a medal, will I receive an invitation letter and how do I become an official HKOI Training Team member?

There is no invitation letter. You can simply attend the training sessions according to the published training schedule. You will become an official HKOI Training Team member once you attend one training session.

I did not win an award in HKOI / HKGOI / SDIC, can I still take part in the training team?

You may be allowed to sit-in the training sessions as non-trainees if you are a finalist in the competitions and if there is remaining capacity. Pre-registration is required.

How can I take part in the Team Formation Test?

Official HKOI Training Team members who attended at least one training session and registered non-trainees may take part in the Team Formation Test.

Will attendance be taken?

Yes, but attendance is not compulsory. We believe that our members have the ability to make informed and rational choices on whether or not to come. We provide the training not only to train potential Hong Kong delegates, but also in the hope that they will be inspiring and interesting to those who choose to attend. Most trainees attend our training sessions not because they are “obligated” to do so, but instead because they find them useful, informative, and fun.

And don’t forget that although the attendance is not compulsory, the topics covered are highly relevant to our selection tests and the external competitions (eg. NOI/IOI). If you do aim to participate in these competitions, it is strongly recommended that you attend our training sessions as often as possible.

Will I receive a certificate?

Official team members who attend at least 60% of the sessions will receive a certificate.

What is the IOI? NOI?

The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is the “ultimate” programming competition for secondary school students. It is held annually, usually in the summer of the year. Participating countries all over the world will each send a maximum of four delegates to the competition. The event will be hosted in a different country every year. You can find more information in the IOI Official website.

The China National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) is the national informatics olympiad competition. The purpose of the NOI is to select Chinese students into the Chinese training team, which sends students to the IOI the following year. Provinces, major cities and regions (eg. Hong Kong, Macau etc) may send a delegation team (at least 5 members). The event is held in different cities each year, including in Hong Kong for NOI 1997. You can find more information in

What is the selection criteria for IOI?

As in previous years, only Training Team members who are invited to the team by winning a Gold/Silver/Bronze medal in HKOI may be selected to the IOI. They must also meet the IOI eligibility requirement.

What is the selection criteria for EGOI?

Only Training Team members who are invited to the team by winning a Gold/Silver/Bronze medal in HKGOI may be selected to the EGOI. They must also meet the EGOI eligibility requirement.

What is the selection criteria for other competitions/activities?

Unless specified otherwise, all HKOI Training Team members meeting the specific eligibility requirements of the competition/activity may be selected.