Before you start

– Your school should have an active HKOI Online Judge free trial or subscription.
– This can only be done by a current School Admin (full-time teacher only).


Step 1: Enter the Join HKOI system.
Note: If you are not logged in, please log into your School Admin account first.

Under HKOI Online Judge, click “Add/Modify/Remove School Admin”.

Step 2: Once inside the form, you should see that the current School Admins have been populated. If you wish to disable a School Admin (e.g. when they no longer teach at your school), click the Remove button in their row.

Step 3: If you wish to request additional School Admin accounts, click “New School Admin”. Enter the School Admin’s information, then click “Save”. Repeat for any additional account(s) required.
Note: We do not allow fictional names such as “Testing”, “ICTTeacher”.

If any of the added School Admins have used HKOI Online Judge before (e.g. was a School Admin in another school, alumni becoming a tutor), please specify their username in the Notes section, then click “Save”.

Step 4: Submit the form.

We will send you a confirmation email within 24 hours. New schools admins should, after receiving the email, use the Forgot Password function to set up the password.