Compared to HKOI 2023/24, what are the major changes?

  1. The Heat Event is now split into 2 papers. Contestants can choose one programming language between Python and C++ in Paper 2.
  2. Students must be studying at Secondary 4 / Grade 10 / Year 11 or below in order to be eligible for the Junior Group.
  3. The Best First-time Contestant (Senior Group) individual award is removed.
  4. For the Grand School Prize, a Gold Medal in the Junior Group now gives 4 points instead of 5.

I am a parent and my child is interested in the competition. My school has never participated in the competition. How should we start?

HKOI only accept nominations through schools. Please share the information on this website to your child’s ICT teacher.

I am a Grade 6 student studying at the Middle School section of a private/international school. Am I allowed to participate in HKOI?

Generally yes. We will double check with EDB school registration records when we receive the nomination form.

I hold an HKID card but I am studying at a school in the mainland / overseas. Am I allowed to participate in HKOI.

No. Only students studying in a day secondary school in Hong Kong are allowed to participate.

Why is there an age limit?

As the HKOI is a preliminary selection contest for IOI, the same age limit is imposed.

I am a 15 year old Secondary 4 student and I want to challenge myself. Can I take part in the Senior Group?

Yes it is allowed.

Can I take part in both the Senior Group and Junior Group?

No. Each student can only take part in one group.

Is it easier to win a medal in the Junior Group?

Not necessarily. Because the number of places for the Final Event and the awards is fixed, if there are significantly more students in the Junior Group, the Junior Group may be more competitive than the Senior Group.

My teacher has nominated me to the Junior Group but I am actually not eligible. Can I still participate?

No. Ineligible students will be disqualified.

My teacher has nominated me to the Junior Group but can I change to the Senior Group instead?

No. No changes are allowed after the end of the nomination period.

Can I participate in both HKOI and HKGOI?

Yes, female students who meet the eligibility requirements can participate in both HKOI and HKGOI. However, each competition is independent, and schools and participants must follow the rules and nomination procedures for each event.

Is there an application fee?

No. We do not charge any fee.

Is the HKOI Online Judge subscription required in order to take part in the competition?

No. HKOI Online Judge is a separate service provided by the HKACE. In fact, HKOI finalists who do not have an account will be provided a free practice account

I am the teacher-in-charge. The School Principal is out of town and the deadline is approaching soon.

The Vice-Principal can sign the nomination form on behalf of the Principal if they are authorised to do so.

What happens if our school submits multiple nomination forms?

The last nomination form should supersede any previous ones. Any student not listed in the last nomination form shall have their nomination cancelled. Therefore, teachers should coordinate and submit only one nomination form.

I was nominated by the school but now I cannot attend the competition due to some circumstances. What should I do?

No action is required. We do not impose penalties to absentees.

Is the teacher / parent required to accompany the student?

No. Students can attend the competition on their own.

My student ID card is being renewed, what should I bring instead?

Please bring a letter signed by your class teacher. The letter must contain the school name, school year or date, student’s full name and level of study. A student’s handbook can also be used if it contains all the information above.

I need to attend another competition, can I arrive late or leave early?

No. All contestants must arrive within the reporting time and early leave is not allowed.

I have an important appointment on the day of competition, can I write the paper at another location or on another day?

No. We do not offer such arrangements regardless of the reason.

Is school uniform required?

It is not required by the competition organisers. However some schools’ guidelines may require it.

Can I use an HKEAA-approved calculator in the competition?

No. Calculators are not allowed in the competition.

Are there any resources or tools I can bring to the competition?

No written or electronic resources, such as dictionaries or calculators, are allowed during the competition. Contestants must only use the provided software and virtual machine environment. However, they are permitted to bring their own keyboard and mouse, as long as they meet the competition's guidelines (no wireless devices, no macro keys, etc.).

Can I use Python in the Heat Event?

Yes. The Paper 1 consists of questions applicable to both Python and C++. The Paper 2 contains a Python part and a C++ part. Contestants should attempt exactly 1 part. Please be sure to indicate your choice on the answer sheet.

What happens if I forget to put down my seat number on the answer sheet?

We will deduct at least 1% of the Final Marks for each error.

Will I know about my performance in the Heat Event?

We will only publish aggregated statistics such as minimum qualifying marks.

There may be an error when marking my answer script. Is it possible to submit an appeal?

All answer scripts are marked by machine (for multiple-choice questions) and at least 2 markers (for short answers). Therefore we do not accept appeals.

Will my results in the heats event be counted towards my final result?

No. Only the results of the Finals Event will be counted towards awards. Of course you will need to “pass” the heats in order to be eligible to enter the finals event. The main reason why HKOI holds a Heat Event is to select the students who have the potential ability to do well in the Final Event. Historically, there is a high correlation between the performances in Heat Event and Final Event.

Can I use Python in the HKOI Final Event?

Yes, as a 2nd-class programming language. Some solutions may be easier to implement in Python than in C++. However, for performance reasons, not all tasks and subtasks are guaranteed to be solvable using Python.

How can I prepare for the competition?

Students can prepare by studying algorithms, data structures, and programming techniques. It’s recommended to practice on coding platforms like HKOI Online Judge and use past papers if available. Medalists may also learn more through the HKOI Training Team.

Do you offer assistance to students with special needs?

Yes. We offer special arrangements to students with special needs in line with HKEAA guidelines. The requests must be made in the nomination form. We do not accept further requests after the end of the nomination period.

Do you issue certificates of attendance or supporting documents for Other Learning Experience (OLE) / Other Experiences and Achievements (OEA) / Student Learning Profile (SLP) purposes?

No. Only award winners will receive a certificate.

I lost my certificate, can you re-issue it?

No. Please use the past competition results displayed on our website to confirm your achievements.